Episode 12: Going it alone – how to thrive in self-employment – featuring Sarah Townsend



Before you give up your day job listen to this

Like most creative people, you’re probably not very business-savvy. But if you’re planning to go it alone, either by starting your own micro agency or by turning freelance, you need to start thinking like a businessperson.

In this episode of The KitchenTable Community Podcast we’re joined by Sarah Townsend, author of Survival Skills for Freelancers, a brilliant field guide to self-employment. Sarah describes the common frustrations that you’ll encounter when starting your own business, and explains how to deal with them in a way that makes your working life more enjoyable and less stressful.

Among the topics we discuss are:

  • pricing, and the importance of recognising your worth in the market
  • outsourcing, and how it can make your working days far more enjoyable without decimating your profit margins
  • choosing the right clients and learning to turn down work

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November 30, 2021 by John Ashton   Categories: Podcasts