
Membership options


If you’d like to join The KitchenTable Community, you have a choice of four membership levels:

  • Associate Member (free). If you’re undecided or just curious, this is for you. It gives you access to useful content and news updates. And if you want to upgrade, you can do so at any time.
  • Course Only (one-off fee). This is aimed at aspiring agency owners who need a solid road map for building their agencies.  You get a free PDF copy of The KitchenTable Method book, which is a great starting point, plus our more detailed KitchenTable Community online course. Once you’ve completed the course there’s no obligation to become a Full member – your may remain an Associate Member for as long as you like.
  • Course +3 Months (one-off fee). If you’re an aspiring agency owner and are certain that you want to give Full membership a try, then this is probably your best option. Once you have completed the course and set up your agency, you get three months of Full membership with all the benefits that that brings. Of course it may take a while between finishing the course and starting your agency.  You can therefore delay the start of the membership until your business is up and running.
  • Full Member (monthly subscription). If you already have a KitchenTable agency, then this level gives you the key tools and services that you needs to prosper. As well as opportunities to collaborate with other agency members via the project board and members’ directory, you get access to our online events and webinars, Mastercast podcasts and Slack group, plus money saving offers on a carefully curated suite of products and services.

At-a-glance comparison

Associate Membership

Course Only

Course +3 Months

Full Membership



Half Price! – first 250 places only

(Normally £119)


£70 OFF! First 250 places only

(Normally £149)

£9.99 per month

(First month free)

Free PDF copy of The KitchenTable Method book

KitchenTable Agency online course

*Limited to selected extracts with Associate Membership

Standard Content

Premium Content

*Limited to 3 months for ‘Course +3 months‘ membership

Access to KTC marketplace

*Limited to 3 months for ‘Course +3 months‘ membership

KTC directory listing

*Limited to 3 months for ‘Course +3 months‘ membership

Access to KTC members’ Slack group

*Limited to 3 months for ‘Course +3 months‘ membership

Access to deals on partner services

*Limited to 3 months for ‘Course +3 months‘ membership