Episode 2: Giving your agency purpose – featuring Si Conroy



The KitchenTable Community Podcast

Episode 2: Giving your agency purpose – featuring Si Conroy

How do you build an agency that you love, rather than one that just pays the bills? By giving it a genuine purpose – one that aligns with your values and your business aims.

Companies that have a purpose beyond profit tend to do better than those that don’t. Yet, for many agency founders purpose is an afterthought.

Si Conroy is a business mentor who works with numerous agency owners helping them to find their purpose and put it in to practice. In this episode he shares provides practical tips and guidance that will help you to build a business that clients will want to hire.

To listen to the podcast click on the little triangle at the top of the post.

Here’s the video trailer


May 26, 2020 by John Ashton   Categories: Podcasts