Trailer for podcast episode 11: The Rebel Alliance – How small agencies can take on the big players and win – featuring Richard Coope


You really can compete with the big boys and girls


If you have a small agency you might think that you’ll never compete with the bigger players. Well, think again. In our next KitchenTable Community Podcast we’ll be hearing from someone who says that we can and should be playing in the big league. He’s KTC member Richard Coope, who runs the strategy agency Brightful. Inspired by Star Wars, he believes that if kitchen table agencies adopt the Rebel Alliance model they can triumph against the odds.

Richard has a ton of interesting insights to share. If you’re serious about growing your agency, be sure to listen in.

The podcast will launch next week. In the meantime, here’s the trailer.



March 26, 2021 by John Ashton   Categories: Uncategorised